Mihiri Udawatta and Family with Preethi and Geetanjalie
Joehan Tohkingkeo
Low Siew Lan
Ang Gek Hiok
Yeoh Seow Peng
Gan Sew Ha
Jenny Lim
Tan Kooi Ching & Kim Kee
Chee Sai Mun & Family
Lim Geok Hua & Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Goh Seng Huat
Lim Chai Gaik
May all donors, supporters and well-wishers experience prosperity, good health, and the state of peaceful contentment (santussako) and may it lead them to practice and understand the Buddha-Dhamma on ever-deeper levels.
May they sharpen their wisdom until insight arises and attachments are abandoned in the realization of Nibbāna (enlightenment).
May all the virtues, concentration and wisdom developed at Santussako Hermitage be shared with all living beings, May all beings be well,happy and peaceful…