Most Ven. Dimbulkumbure Sri Wimaladhamma Anu Nayake Thera

His Eminence Deputy Sangha Raja of Malwatu Chapter of Siyam Maha Nikaya

The Most Venerable Deputy Patriarch (Anu Nayake) of the Malwatte Chapter of the Siam Maha Nikaya, Ven. Dimbulkumbure Sri Saranankara Wimaladhammãbhidhãna Anu Nayake Thera attained 77 years of age recently. The Ven. Anu Nayake Thera rendered unique and great service for the religious, cultural and social resurgence of the country, which will be long remembered and valued by the people of Sri Lanka and is sure to be recorded in our history in golden letters.

After the passing away of his teachers, Ven. Wimaladhamma Thera was appointed as the Chief Incumbent of the historical temples of Gereppitiya in the Yatinuwara area and Ranawana in the Pilimatalawa area. He was entrusted with the Thewawa ceremony of Sri Dalada Maligawa, which is a highly respected task among the Buddhist monks. He was appointed to perform these religious rituals several times under the guidance of the Mahayake Theras at the time.

Ven. Thera was appointed as a member of Supreme Sangha Council (Kãraka Sangha Sabha) of the Malwatte Chapter of the Siam Sect by Royal Pandit Most Ven. Sirimalwatte Sri Ananda Mahanayake Thera. Ven. Wimaladhamma Thera has provided his invaluable service for the annual Upasampada ceremony of Malwathu Viharaya as a Karmawãgãchãrya and a Upãdyãya for several decades. He was elevated to the position of Deputy Registrar of the Malwatte Chapter in 2004. The Supreme Sangha Council of the Malwatte Chapter conferred on him the prestigious position of Anu Nayake in 2009. The Most Venerable Anu Nayake Thera was made the Chief Incumbent of the historical Royal Temple of Walgampãya in 2016.

Ven. Dimbulkumbure Sri Wimaladhamma Anu Nayake Thera who had the greatness to address all the people who came to him with a heart of loving kindness, thus living up to Buddhist social concepts, merited to be a prominent custodian of the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha, which is the most sacrosanct relic of worship of the entire Buddhist world.