Background Story of Ratana Sutta.

The Ratana Sutta is chanted daily throughout the Buddhist countries. It explains the great qualities of the Buddha, the Dhamma – his teachings, and the Sangha – his enlightened disciples. Ratana Sutta evokes the power of truth with virtues of the Triple Gem to generate blessings.

It was originally taught to the Venerable Ananda as a protective recitation when there were several disasters happening in the city of Vesali during Buddha’s time.  When the town of Vesali was being plagued by disease and other disasters, Ratana Sutta was chanted to dispel the disease and to bring back normalcy.

Therefore, we now chant this Sutta for its miraculous protective powers to ease the difficult situation caused by this Covid-19 pandemic. Chanting and meditation also help us to reduce anxiety, fear and stress, and to remain calm and peaceful during this time of uncertainty.


  • Light a candle and place on the altar in your home and chant these verses every evening with your family.


  • Practice Metta Bhavana (loving-kindness Meditation ) towards all sentient beings for few minutes.


May the world be free from the Covid-19 pandemic soonest possible…!