Santussako International Foundation (GA 00212233)


Santussako International Foundation is a non-profit charitable foundation registered (reg. no. GA 00212233) in Sri Lanka. The Foundation actively promotes a contented and well-balanced lifestyle in the society through the practice of the core values of mindfulness and compassion.

We believe that service to fellow human-being is a quintessential virtue that promotes harmony and well-being in the society as well as for the individual’s spiritual development. As advised by the Buddha, we have a fundamental obligation of service to others with kindness for the welfare and happiness of the individual, and society at large.

Driven by this motivation, Santussako International Foundation dedicates itself to actively engage in social and charitable activities to raise both the living and moral standards of the society, especially the destitute and disadvantaged community regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds.

Contributions and support of generous donors, well-wishers and dedicated volunteers will enable Santussako International Foundation to achieve this noble intention. We, therefore, commit ourselves to ensure that every donation and contribution received will be efficiently managed for the attainment of the objectives of the Foundation.

Aims and Objectives

  1. To encourage the study, practice and realization of the Buddha-Dhamma and to take necessary steps for the propagation and advancement of Buddha-Sasana (dispensation of Buddha’s teaching) locally and internationally.
  2. To establish suitable facilities for and to support the local and foreign Sangha members so they may act as spiritual guides and ministers for the well-being of the Buddhist community in particular, and the general community as a whole.
  3. To organize, plan, erect and maintain, an international Mindfulness Center for the psychological and spiritual well-being of the local and foreign individuals.
  4. To plan and engage in the implementation of community, welfare, educational and social development projects in Sri Lanka.
  5. To give all kinds of assistance, prizes and scholarships to needy school children to enable them to continue their education.
  6. To sponsor and conduct conferences, workshops, study tours and lectures in Sri Lanka and foreign countries.
  7. To associate and work with other local or foreign organizations which have similar objectives.